What is floating?
This is a therapy that involves limiting around 90% of external stimuli. Thanks to the highly concentrated Epsom salt solution during the session, we do not feel any gravity. We start the sessions with the entrance to the cabin, in which music can be heard in the background which helps us to enter a state of relaxation. Thanks to this, the muscles relax, followed by the release of endorphins and the removal of cortisol.
Already after using the 3-hour sessions, the body gets used to the new environment, and the floatant feels the effects of this form of therapy:
- removes the effects of stress,
- relaxes muscles,
- improves concentration and memory,
- relieves backache and relieves rheumatic pains,
- it lowers high blood pressure,
- has a positive and soothing effect on the skin,
- improves the quality of sleep,
- synchronizes the hemispheres of the brain,
- reduces physical and mental pain,
- supports slimming,
- accelerates the treatment of injuries,
- improves the immune system.
Floating 1+1 za 230 zł
Masaż z floatingiem dla dwojga za 490 zł

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